Norwegian-Romanian collaboration on development of ID expertise

Norwegian ID Centre, along with The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, The Norwegian Police University College, National Police Immigration Service and the County Governor of Oslo and Viking, participates in a joint project with Romania.
Published: 10/24/2019
Mads Odenes ved Nasjonalt ID-senter under åpningskonferansen i Bucuresti

(Above: Mads Odnes of Norwegian ID Centre addressing the opening conference in Bucharest.)

The aim of the project is to increase the capacity of the Romanian migration system. The project is funded by EU. The contribution of Norwegian ID Centre will be to strengthen the competence on ID checks. IN practice this means that representatives from Romania will come to Norway to be trained in second-line expertise, which will expand their competence in document check and check of persons. The new Romanian experts should then be able to support and train colleagues in Romania. This is also the method used by Norwegian ID Centre to strengthen ID expertise in Norway.

A higher expertise and capacity of performing ID checks in Romania will also benefit Norway by facilitating earlier uncovering of irregular migration and ID misuse.

We were present at the last week’s opening conference, which marked the start of the implementation of the various projects.