Call for contributions

Above: 'ID Day' in 2015 (photo: Norwegian ID Centre).
There are many government departments in Norway which are required to evaluate the identity of foreigners who wish to reside in the country. During the past few years, there has been an increased awareness about identity fraud as a means to access rights and privileges. At the same time, there is an emphasis on carrying out checking routines in a professional manner, without stigmatizing particular groups or individuals as a consequence of their background or ethnicity.
The large number of foreigners arriving in Norway provides a challenge to those whose job involves checking identity. In 2015 alone, 31,000 people applied for asylum in Norway, the largest number this country has ever witnessed. Over 70% of these applications were lodged in the 3 month period from September to November. Prolonged wars and conflicts, political instability and the economic situation are some of the push-pull factors leading so many to seek residency both in Norway and other parts of Europe.
At the Norwegian ID Centre, we believe that it is essential to have good management tools in place. It is important that knowledge and analysis provide the basis of deciding which measures to adopt when assessing the identities of different groups of people. This year’s theme is of international significance. Handled correctly, it will contribute to better accuracy in assessing identity, reducing the amount of resources needed to check identities which are authentic. We invite organizations who are already working in this area (or planning to) to share their experiences and expertise on ‘ID Day 2016.’
We are particularly interested in contributions covering the following topics:
- Analysis, statistics and risk evaluation - Analyses of trends and risk evaluation on the basis of statistical information and/or qualitative data.
- How to improve ID assessment - Methods and tools which can make the work of assessing ID in Norway more effective and secure.
- Co-operation between departments - How co-operation can contribute to increased competency in the field of ID assessment. Examples of success stories.
Conference participants are those that work in analysis, control and evaluation of identity. By sharing knowledge and experience, we can increase expertise and promote a more holistic approach to identity work in the public sector.
Contributions to the conference should be practical and useful, providing a source of inspiration to others working in the field. Send your suggestions for topics and speakers in an email to entitled ‘Conference,’ within the 1st of August, 2016. After we have evaluated all of the suggestions, we will make a final decision about the content of this year’s conference.
Mark the date in your calendar now – 11th November! We hope to see as many of our users as possible at the conference. You can register in August.