Facial comparison


Face comparison

Compare the image with the person standing in front of you.

It is important to look at the details in the face. These can be divided into three groups:

  1. The details in individual features: ears, eyes, mouth, nose. For example, the earlobe, the shape of the eyes, the symmetry of the lips and nostrils.
  2. The relative distances of these features from each other. For example, the relative distance between the eyes, the relative distance between the lower lip and the point of the chin etc. Don't use a ruler - it is the relative distance (the proportion) that is important when comparing images.
  3. Details in the skin, such as lines, wrinkles, spots and scars. 


Conditions that affect the appearance of a face

Remember when comparing images that certain conditions can affect the appearance of the face, such as:

  • exterior factors - lighting and camera angle
  • interior factors - aging, cosmetic surgery, make-up, removal of spots and scars. Which features remain stable and which change throughout the course of a lifetime? A pimple, a mole or a scar can easily be changed or removed, while the distance between the eyes remains constant.
  • image quality, which is affected by resolution and compression


Details in the features

1. The ear

When you carry out an identity check, you will often compare the ears from a frontal perspective. Even from this angle, you can usually see several of the 5 main details. Compare those that are visible.


2. The eye


Look at the shape, angle and size of the eye. Note the lines of the upper and lower eyelid.

3. The nose


Look at the shape and width of the nose, and the shape and size of the nostrils, alae and columella.

4. The mouth


Look at the size of the lips and the symmetry between the lips. Follow the upper and lower lip lines and the line between the lips. Compare these.


The relative position of the features


Look in particular at:

  • the relative distance between the eyes
  • the relative distance between the lower lip and the point of the chin
  • where the eyes are placed in relation to the ears
  • the distance between the eyebrows


The details in the skin

Wrinkles, lines and scars:

  • look at lines and wrinkles - where do they begin and end?
  • if you can see any scars or spots, compare these (but remember that these details are less stable than others)